Domů Tagy PIAGET



Building on the success of its previous collaborations, Swiss jeweler Piaget has tapped Jessica Alba, one of Hollywood’s most popular and beautiful stars to be an ambassador for its Possession collection of jewelry.

Piaget Limelight Garden Party – SIHH 2011

Diamond garlands, joyful birds, shimmering foliage … Piaget opens the doors to a shining, luxuriant garden where time has stopped in its tracks to revel in the party. Without a care in the world, laughter ripples and eyes sparkle. How could one resist a magical evening where jewels twirl in complete freedom? In the dusk, the garden sparkles with a thousand fires. The Limelight Garden Party collection is an invitation to share a special moment. Watches and jewellery follow in the intoxicating wake of musical rhythms. Irresistibly seductive, enticing jewels irresistibly invite everyone to join the dance.

Fascinace: Ultratenké Piaget na SIHH 2011

Tradiční výrobce hodinek Piaget nemusí nikomu dokazovat, že jeho hodinky se řadí mezi ty nejluxusnější a nejkvalitnější na světě. I nový model Piaget Emperador Coussin Tourbillon Automatic Ultra-Thin toto pravidlo jen podporuje. Luxus a prvotřídní kvalita jsou zde na prvním místě.

Koktejlová kolekce Piaget: Uhaste svou žízeň po luxusu

Opravdovou lahůdku pro všechny milovnice koktejlů, světa večírků a vytříbeného designu si na letošní podzim připravila exkluzivní klenotnická společnost Piaget. Zbrusu nová kolekce veselých prstenů Limelight, inspirovaných těmi nejoblíbenějšími míchanými nápoji, pouze těžko nechá chladnou jakoukoli ženu z vašeho okolí.

Piaget lights up the festive season

Piaget transforms end-of-year festivities into luminous moments imbued with exquisite elegance and glamour, thanks to masculine timepieces and accessories embodying the brand’s technical know-how; and ladies’ watches and jewellery lending a timeless sparkle to long winter nights.

A vocation for excellence

Know-how, effervescent imagination, perfectionism: the Piaget art of jewellery-making is pervaded by the same spirit of tradition tinged with a bold sense of freedom that pervades its watchmaking talent, thus ensuring constant renewal.

A corner of paradise

Luxurious and playful. Crystalline and festive. Shimmering and fragrant… The jewellery and watches from the Limelight Paradise collection compose a fascinating ode to the magic of dreams and exotic surroundings.

Piaget sends hearts all over the world for Valentine’s Day

With each new Valentine’s Day, Piaget creates new and original jewellery on the theme of love. Genuine works of art for personal wear. With this pendant, bracelet and secret watch, the designers of the Geneva-based House have once again placed the heart centre stage.

Watch of the Year 2008

Under the auspices of the magazine Montres Passion, the jury has selected the “Altiplano, eccentric small seconds” by Piaget as the Watch of the Year, thanks to its “perfect design, elegance and pure lines, finesse and excellent extra-thin movement”.

Midway between tradition revisited and mechanical revelations

The Manufacture de Haute Horlogerie Piaget has once again chosen to dedicate the new year to the theme of mechanical complications. In doing so, it is pursuing the significant efforts undertaken for over a decade in developing and perfecting a complete range of reliable and efficient complicated movements.

Viewing life through rose-tinted glasses

In the finest love stories, happiness as a couple is often expressed by a flourishing family. At Piaget, the family is also growing: after white gold and yellow gold, the Geneva-based House has given birth to an 18-carat pink gold wedding band. Sheer joy, flowing all the way to the fingertips.

Cortina Watch Jewellery Time 2008

Singapore, 24 July 2008. Come 30 October, Cortina Watch will once again roll out the red carpet at Paragon with the return of its biennial, award-winning luxury showcase – Jewellery Time.

Piaget gives diamonds a sparkling new claim to nobility

Piaget designers are never short of inspiration when it comes to putting diamonds in the spotlight: the Limelight Paris-New York collection is now lit up by some brilliant new creations, while two exceptional “secret” watches reveal a dazzling vision of time.

Piaget or the beautiful history of an exceptional “secret” watch

A watchmaking company at the time of its founding, Piaget began venturing into the field of Haute Joaillerie around 50 years ago. Over the years, the Manufacture has asserted itself as a reference in the luxury world through its splendid creations combining the excellence of these two worlds.

Fascinace týdne: Top 10 šperkařských společností

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