PlaneSmart! Orders Additional Cirrus SR22-G3 Turbos


PlaneSmart! has ordered two additional fully loaded Cirrus SR22-G3 Turbo aircraft which are expected to roll off the assembly line in time for Spring Flying.

“Professionally Managed Shared Ownership (PMSO) continues to grow steadily,” said Jeffery A. Cullen, PlaneSmart!’s President and founder. “Pilots and aviation travelers are finding out that share-ownership (aka: fractional ownership) of a professionally managed airplane is trouble-free and a very cost effective alternative to whole ownership or other types of aircraft ownership solutions.”

PlaneSmart!’s flagship fleet of Cirrus’ aircraft is accompanied with first class customer service so owners experience the best air transportation solution possible for the price. PMSO rates are not only competitive with commercial air travel, they are a fraction of the cost of whole aircraft ownership and, at PlaneSmart!, you will benefit from “fleet access” availability.

As with all of PlaneSmart!’s aircraft, the new SR22-G3s will arrive from the factory with virtually every option Cirrus offers, including air conditioning and a new turbo-normalized engine which can maintain 100% power all the way to the certified ceiling of 25,000′. All of PlaneSmart!’s aircraft will be identically equipped for ease of operation for clients.

About PlaneSmart! Aviation
PlaneSmart! provides shares of top-rated Cirrus SR-22 aircraft at a fraction of the cost of sole ownership. Customers enjoy a full-service, red carpet experience as their “management company” takes care of all the ancillary services for maintaining and caring for their airplane, such as storage, fuel, scheduling, maintenance, and insurance. Cirrus aircraft are known for their Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS(TM)) to increase safety, fully advanced glass cockpit avionics, and a plush leather interior that offers the ultimate in style and comfort.


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