Domů Tagy Montblanc

Téma: Montblanc

Montblanc: Exkluzivní svatební pero pro monackého vládce

Ačkoliv svatba monackého panovníka zdaleka nevyvolávala takový mediální rozruch jako nedávný britský sňatek následníka trůnu, jistě bychom na ní našli mnohé zajímavosti, které stojí za povšimnutí. Jednou z nich je bezpochyby mistrovsky vyvedené plnicí pero od luxusní značky Montblanc, jímž oddávaná dvojice stvrdila svůj manželský slib.

Montblanc presents the “Tribute to the Mont Blanc” Collection

Inspired by the nature of the symbolic mountain, Montblanc is honouring Europe’s highest mountain with the new “Tribute to the Mont Blanc” Collection. It features an exclusive line of writing instruments, fine jewellery and leather pieces, crafted of different stones and materials, reflecting the ice and rocky surfaces that make up Europe’s snowy summit.

Montblanc Presents the John Lennon Edition Writing Instrument

This year, Montblanc celebrates the 70th Anniversary of one of the most talented artists ever to write music history. With the launch of the John Lennon Edition Montblanc is ensuring that Lennon´s legend not only lives on in his verse, his music, and his artistic legacy, but in the beauty of a timeless writing instrument. In this masterpiece, Montblanc has captured Lennon´s incredible soul and philosophy.

Montblanc Introduces Leather Collection

Meisterstück Atelier is a new ultraluxe "connoisseur" range of Montblanc Meisterstück fine leather goods - a high end, top-tier line of men´s accessories which are finely crafted from the rarest and most precious materials in the world. The launch of the first two Meisterstück Atelier collections - Meisterstück Atelier Genuine Python in October 2010 and Meisterstück Atelier Genuine Karung in April 2011 - marks the first time Montblanc men´s leather goods have been conceived from the prized snakeskins after which these two lines derive their name and the choice of such exotic materials is apt.

StarWalker Midnight Black: When Montlanc combines modern design and innovation with the finest writing...

Montblanc continues to stand by its commitment to pioneering design and innovation with two exciting new additions to its contemporary StarWalker writing line in 2010-Montblanc StarWalker Midnight Black Metal and StarWalker Midnight Black Resin. Both designs confirm that a brand steeped in tradition and history can continue to surprise with outstanding and cutting-edge designs fit for the 21st century.

Unique Writing Instruments Bring New World Auction Records

LOS ANGELES, CA.- International auctioneers, Bonhams & Butterfields, are pleased to announce a stellar result for the company's first auction exclusively dedicated to modern Montblanc writing instruments. The February 15, 2010 sale contained more than 130 lots of exceptional pens with a focus on the Writer's Editions, Patron of the Arts and 333 series, as well as several of the more limited items including the highly sought after Black Widow and Diego Rivera editions mostly coming from the Ron Renaud Collection.

Fascinace týdne: Luxusní podpis Montblanc pro UNICEF a oběd s Buffetem

Světoznámý výrobce luxusních psacích potřeb Montblanc připravil nové modely v rámci kolekce Meisterstück s doplňujícím mottem „Signature for Good“. Cílem je pomoci dětem bez přístupu ke kvalitnímu vzdělání. Další dobročinnou událostí bylo vydražení oběda se známým finančníkem Warrenem Buffetem, 1,68 milionu dolarů pro změnu poputuje na jídlo pro bezdomovce a chudé.

Montblanc says thanks to moms, gives back to kids

New York--Montblanc is celebrating Mother's Day this year with a special-edition necklace that will benefit children's charities.

‘Montblanc Signature for Good’ Stars attend international charity gala to benefit UNICEF education and...

Los Angeles, 20th February 2009 - Two days before the Academy Awards, Montblanc will host a high profile charity gala at Paramount Studios in Hollywood with the cooperation of Signature International to present the cultural and charitable initiative 'Montblanc Signature for Good', in support of UNICEF.

Montblanc Writers Edition Pen 2008 Dedicated To George Bernard Shaw

This year the coveted Montblanc Writers Edition is dedicated to George Bernard Shaw. Montblanc honours the dramatist and Nobel Prize winner for literature with a limited writing-instrument collection, in which the dark green marbled body with its gleaming platinised rings reflects the development of the flower girl Eliza Doolittle into an apparently aristocratic lady.

Prince Rainier III Limited Edition 81

In honour of Prince Rainier III, Montblanc is inviting 300 selected personalities and stars to an exclusive gala evening in Monaco under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco on 14 November. The occasion is the world première of the "Montblanc Prince Rainier III Limited Edition 81ö, an artistically skeletonised fountain-pen edition limited to only 81 pieces. The pen is made of 750 white gold and superbly studded with diamonds and rubies totalling more than 8 carats. Half of the sales revenue from the writing jewel, which is worth €200,000, will be given to the "Fondation Princesse Graceö to continue the cultural commitment lived by Prince Rainier III.

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