Domů Tagy Mercedes-Benz

Téma: Mercedes-Benz

Mercedes-Benz: Debut na poli parfémů

Nemálo konverzací o luxusních vozidlech se točí kolem hrdého synonyma kvality Mercedes-Benz. Málokterá z debat je však vedena ve spojitosti s vůní, proč taky? To se však brzy změní! Zbrusu nový výtvor, oražený trojcípou hvězdou, je - světe div se - právě mužský parfém!

Mercedes-Benz GL-Class Grand Edition – An exclusive, luxury specification for off-road terrain

Even more visually expressive and with an even more elegant and comfortable interior, Mercedes-Benz presents the new GL-Class “Grand Edition”. This distinctive, new special edition of the off-roader comes as standard with a level of spaciousness and comfort that is on a par with a luxury saloon. Features reserved exclusively for the "Grand Edition" designation include special light-alloy wheels with 275/50 R 20 tyres, high‑quality, two-tone leather seats in a new design, and wood trim in black ash. The special Grand Edition model also offers an array of high-quality additional equipment and is available with all the engines in the GL-Class line-up.


Jaguar has unveiled its most efficient engine yet in the form of a new 2.2-litre diesel unit.

Mercedes-Benz New smart Collection: The very latest in sporty, urbane chic

Just as spring is in the air, cult car brand smart presents trendy fashion for the warmer time of the year. The new smart Collection 2011/2012 is intended for people who love unconventional style and are fully in tune with the zeitgeist.

“Inventors of the automobile. Since 1886!”: Mercedes-Benz anniversary campaign to launch the 125 year...

On 29 January 1886, Carl Benz changed the world when he filed a patent application (number 37435) for his "gas engine-powered vehicle" with the Reich Patent Office in Berlin. This marked the birth of the automobile. Mercedes-Benz has since had around 80,000 pioneering inventions patented. The Mercedes brand is thus fittingly celebrating the anniversary of the invention of the automobile under the banner "125! years of innovation". The anniversary year will kick off with an advertising campaign which will run in the print media, on TV and on the internet from 19 January to 2 February 2011.

Fascinace: Nový Mercedes-Benz CLS vám zrychlí tep

V letošním roce se v Paříži předháněly všechny významné automobilky. A ani Mercedes samozřejmě nemohl zůstat pozadu. Všechny vozy od Mercedesu byly ve znamení velikosti a největší pozornost byla věnována hvězdné novince jménem CLS.

World premiere at the 2010 Paris motor show: The new CLS – the new...

A generation ahead: with the CLS, Mercedes-Benz created a new vehicle category in 2003 which for the first time combined the elegance and dynamism of a coupé with the comfort and functionality of a saloon. The public were delighted, the competition astounded and a style icon was born: for years the CLS has endured as the only four-door coupé in its class, and since October 2004 it has been the car of choice for around 170,000 buyers worldwide. "Customers all over the world benefited from our bold move to launch a completely new vehicle concept onto the market", explains a delighted Dr. Joachim Schmidt, member of the board of Mercedes-Benz Cars, Sales & Marketing. "And with its exciting design, the new edition of the CLS also benefits from the fact that we are a whole generation ahead of the competition with our four-door Coupé."

Victories in Europe’s AUTO BILD Design Award 2010 and Plus X Award: The SLS...

The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG super sports car is celebrating a brilliant victory in the huge design competition organised by Germany's AUTO BILD magazine. Around 200,000 readers of 21 European editions of the specialist publication voted the new gull-wing model into top place as Europe's most attractive car. In addition, the SLS AMG has also been honoured with the coveted Plus X Award for "high quality" and "design" in the world's largest technology, sport and lifestyle contest.

“Sex and the City 2”: roles for Mercedes-Benz and Maybach

The "Sex and the City" style icons Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda are back. Beginning on 27 May 2010, the much-anticipated sequel "Sex and the City 2" hits cinemas. And without giving too much away, we can reveal that the four friends have stayed true to their exclusive lifestyle. In addition to the S400 HYBRID, Mr. Big now also drives through the streets of New York in the new star from Mercedes-Benz: the E-Class Cabriolet. Meanwhile, Samantha drives in the legendary offroader from Mercedes-Benz, the G-Class. And for the first time, the four girlfriends head off together for an exotic trip where they are chauffeured in the comfort of luxurious Maybach saloons.

Fascinace týdne: Stoletá historie značky Mercedes!

Nejstarší automobilka světa Mercedes-Benz si letos připomíná 100 let od první registrace ochranné známky na logo, po loňských oslavách sta let otevření podnikových prodejen je zde opět čas vhodný na limitované edice a pokračování v tradici maximálních technologických inovací. Je až neuvěřitelné, jakou trvanlivost si třícípá hvězda zachovává a jakým symbolem a nositelem úspěchu se stala. Jak ke hvězdě Mercedes přišel?

Mercedes-Benz Concept BlueZERO: Zero-emmision vehicle

Mercedes-Benz Concept BlueZERO: three-fold proof of the everyday practicality of zero-emission vehicles.

2009 Mercedes-Benz S 320 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY

Stuttgart – From the end of 2008, Mercedes-Benz will be adding to its range one of the most fuel-efficient and therefore economical luxury saloons around in the form of the new S 320 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY.

2009 Mercedes-Benz S 600 Pullman Guard Limousine

The Mercedes-Benz special-protection unit marks its 80th anniversary with the launch of the new S 600 Pullman Guard state limousine.

Mercedes-Benz debuts SL65 AMG BLACK SERIES coupe

V12-Powered SL65 AMG rockets from zero to 60 MPH in 3.8 seconds

Fascinace týdne: AMG & IWC

Limitovaná edice brutálního Mercedes-Benz SL 63 od AMG ponese signaturu švýcarského génia horlogerie, IWC Schaffhausen. Dvě legendy, dvě hvězdy na nebi luxusu, jedna společná vize.


Stuttgart - Mercedes-Benz has unveiled a stand-alone model series in the guise of the new CLC, the compelling entry-level model in the Mercedes-Benz coupé family. The Sports Coupé's design, technology and equipment meet the discerning requirements of young drivers looking for an athletic car that gives an involving drive, while at the same time delivering the hallmark Mercedes quality standards in terms of safety, comfort, environmental compatibility and functionality. Compared with the previous Sports Coupé, the Mercedes engineers have newly developed or enhanced over 1100 components. Engineering highlights of the CLC include a new direct-steer system for even more agile cornering, state-of-the-art infotainment systems featuring a colour display, Europe-wide DVD or hard-disc navigation and media interface, as well as an uprated four-cylinder engine that now develops 135 kW/184 hp. Fuel consumption has been reduced by up to 10.8 percent compared with the outgoing model.

Fascinace týdne: Supernova jménem Vandenbrink GTO

Světem bude brázdit jen pět dokonalých a překrásných Vandenbrink GTO. Koňak Hennessy s cenovkou 4 200 000 Kč. René Staud připravil k 20. výročí luxusních kalendářů Mercedes-Benz SL limitovanou edici.


Stuttgart – The Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class Roadsters have long captured the hearts of sports car enthusiasts. Incorporating around 650 newly developed parts, the SLK models of 2008 are even more dynamic and now offer an even more emotionally charged driving experience. Key visual enhancements include new-look front and rear sections as well as a meticulously modified interior with a new instrument cluster and three-spoke sports steering wheel. A fast-running V6 sports engine developing 224 kW/305 hp and an optionally available direct-steer system truly bring the bold, dynamic character of the two-seater SLK 350 to the fore. Furthermore, all of the engines in the line-up are now far more economical on fuel and, therefore, emit even less CO2, despite a substantial increase in output in many cases. The new-generation SLK models will be available from April 2008, costing between € 36,503.25 and € 69,049.75 incl. VAT.

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