Domů Tagy Collection

Téma: collection

The Joy of Fashion. The Story of Joy in BMW Collection.

BMW has made history – more than once. And the essence of its own history has always been about one thing: joy. This purest of all emotions is now the theme of the new BMW Collection. BMW JOY encompasses high-quality T-shirts and polo shirts, trendy sweaters, pullovers and hoodies, jackets and high-end accessories.

Sienna Miller, new face of Piaget Possession

To commemorate 20 years of its much-loved Possession collection, Piaget is thrilled to announce an exciting new collaboration with one of the world’s most fashionable women, Sienna Miller.

New York Fashion Week: Fall/Winter 2010 ready-to-wear show

After showing his Couture Spring/Summer 2010 collection during Paris Fashion Week in January, designer Georges Chakra rushed to New York, to debut his third "Edition by Georges Chakra" Fall/Winter 2010 ready to wear collection. The show took place on Saturday February 13, 2010 in The Tents at Bryant Park during New York Fashion Week.

The “Métiers d’Art – La symbolique des laques” collection

No one at Vacheron Constantin can be unaware of what a passion for fine watchmaking involves. For without passion, there are no real expectations. And though yesterday’s cabinotiers have disappeared, their memory lingers on near the workbenches in the halls of the Manufacture, and today is reawakened by each watchmaker and craftsman, whose movements rekindle their spirit and perpetuate their knowledge.


Sophisticated lines and expertly crafted materials of the highest quality are imbued with history in Bulgari’s new collection of men’s accessories for spring/summer 2010.


The distinctive elements of Bulgari style are found again in the new leather accessories for Fall-Winter 2009. The most successful lines, Doppio Tondo, Leoni, 1910 and Twist, are reinterpreted in new, refined versions that skilfully combine seduction and elegance.

Vacheron Constantin introduces the third and final set of the Metiers d’Art Les Masques...

Vacheron Constantin organised an exceptional evening event at the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York as part of the inauguration of “African and Oceanic Art from the Barbier-Mueller Museum, Geneva: a Legacy of Collecting”, an exhibition dedicated to the masterpieces from the Barbier-Mueller family collection and supported by Vacheron Constantin.

ECCO Introduces Spring/Summer 2009 Men’s Golf Collection

Danish shoemaker ECCO introduces its men's golf collection for Spring/Summer 2009, showcasing the brand's new Four Dots logo alongside superior materials, technologies and craftsmanship across a wide selection of classic and modern styles.

Bertolucci’s STRIA for women

STRIA is the perfect choice to accompany your evening wear as well as an ideal adornment for the wrist of any woman in search of daily sophistication.

Patrimony Contemporaine Retrograde Day and Date Limited Edition – Collection Excellence Platine

Vacheron Constantin has brought a new look to the Patrimony Contemporaine Retrograde Day and Date by dressing it in the purest and rarest of metals - platinum – and limiting it to a series of only 100 pieces stamped Vacheron Constantin Collection Excellence Platine.

Royal Asscher Launches Sapphire Collection

Royal Asscher of America has launched Royal Asscher Cut Sapphires, which will be featured alongside Royal Asscher Cut diamonds, under the name Rocks & Jewels by Royal Asscher.

Ladies’ Jules Audemars collection

Paying splendid tribute to feminine beauty, the Ladies’ Jules Audemars collection is available in several different versions. The first is elegantly understated and the absence of gem-setting accentuates the perfection of the white or pink gold case, as well as the purity of the dial with its unusual design.


The principal theme of the Bulgari accessories collection is its synthesis of the maison’s historic memory and characteristically innovative spirit. This is expressed in the search for unusual chromatic contrasts and absolutely unconventional treatment of skins.

Montblanc Writers Edition Pen 2008 Dedicated To George Bernard Shaw

This year the coveted Montblanc Writers Edition is dedicated to George Bernard Shaw. Montblanc honours the dramatist and Nobel Prize winner for literature with a limited writing-instrument collection, in which the dark green marbled body with its gleaming platinised rings reflects the development of the flower girl Eliza Doolittle into an apparently aristocratic lady.

Vacheron Constantin opens a second exclusive boutique in Hong Kong


Shine: All the Elegance of the Women of Today

Female elegance personified! The shine collection has swiftly established itself as a RAYMOND WEIL icon. Now the independent Geneva watchmaker is delighted to unveil a new design, full of character and decidedly contemporary charm: shine jeans.

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