Building on the success of its previous collaborations, Swiss jeweler Piaget has tapped Jessica Alba, one of Hollywood’s most popular and beautiful stars to be an ambassador for its Possession collection of jewelry.

2009 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione

A second focus of the stand is an area dedicated to the exclusive Limited Edition Alfa Romeo supercars: Alfa 8C Competizione (introduced at the Paris Motor Show in 2006) and the Alfa 8C Spider, two sports cars that have had collectors and fans swooning with desire throughout the world and falling over themselves to place thousands of orders for both cars in just a few days.

Odložte kožichy: Návrháři bojují za práva zvířat!

Ochránci zvířat z organizací Humane Society a PETA (Lidé za etické zacházení se zvířaty) každoročně protestují před stany v Bryant Parku u příležitosti newyorského týdne módy. Důvod? Neustávající využívání kůží a kožešin v kolekcích předních světových návrhářů. Po většinu let módní designéři tyto akce naprosto ignorovali a veškeré podzimní a zimní modely byly naplněny kožešinovými límci a koženými kabelkami od Jeana Paula Gaultiera nebo Marca Jacobse...

de GRISOGONO introduces two watches and celebrates its 15th anniversary

The international jewellery and watch house established in 1993 by Fawaz Gruosi invited some 220 journalists from all over the world to attend the launch of two revolutionary timepieces in Geneva on January 17th and 18th. Celebrating in 2008 its first 15 years of existence, de GRISOGONO used the opportunity to launch the celebrations for its anniversary year. Visits to jewellery and watchmaking workshops, interviews with founder Fawaz Gruosi, press conferences and glittering evening receptions filled two memorable days. The events as they happened...

Exclusive top-of-the-line AMG S-Class models now boast even greater appeal

Affalterbach – The Mercedes-Benz S 63 AMG and S 65 AMG, the powerful top-of-the-line S-Class models, are now even more appealing: thanks to a series of subtle yet extremely effective fine-tuning measures, the two performance saloons are even more striking and priceless than ever before. The updated technology is aimed at ensuring a more dynamic driving experience as well as optimum active and passive safety.

Nokia and University of Cambridge launch the Morph – a nanotechnology concept device

Morph is a concept that demonstrates how future mobile devices might be stretchable and flexible, allowing the user to transform their mobile device into radically different shapes. It demonstrates the ultimate functionality that nanotechnology might be capable of delivering: flexible materials, transparent electronics and self-cleaning surfaces. Dr. Bob Iannucci, Chief Technology Officer, Nokia, commented: "Nokia Research Center is looking at ways to reinvent the form and function of mobile devices; the Morph concept shows what might be possible".

2012 Cadillac SRX Offers More Powerful 3.6L Engine

Cadillac will offer a new, more powerful engine for the 2012 SRX, providing buyers of the luxury crossover with improved acceleration both from a standstill and when passing.

Under pressure: MTM Audi S5 GT Supercharged

Motoren Technik Mayer from Wettstetten, Germany, puts the Audi S5 under pressure. As “MTM GT Supercharged” the sporty coupe’s supercharged engine demonstrates impressive performance data. Together with bigger brakes, a coilover suspension and other minor changes, the result is an overall package which can take on the race track.

Spyker officially reveals Le Mans-inspired C8 Laviolette LM85

Zeewolde, 15 September 2008 - Spyker Cars N.V., manufacturer of exclusive premium sports cars, proudly presents the Spyker C8 Laviolette LM85 – the road version of its GT2 LeMans car.


It looks after and pays attention to the leitmotif of the service offered by the company of Ancona: the clients are "cuddled" with unique 24 hour services and a reserved area on the internet with constant updates regarding the progress of their own megayacht "CRN Conciergerie Monaco" is an exclusive service that CRN offers to its current and past clients.

Bang & Olufsen equips the super sports car Aston Martin One-77 with bespoke sound...

Bang & Olufsen is very proud to announce that the company has been appointed by Aston Martin to develop and deliver a total of 77 sound systems for their super sports car Aston Martin One-77.

Mechanical sturdiness and aesthetic nobility

Setting the crowning touch to the success of the new self-winding Titanic-DNA watches revisited in grand style, or A la Grande, Romain Jerome presents an original creation, the Tourbillon Steampunk.


The distinctive elements of Bulgari style are found again in the new leather accessories for Fall-Winter 2009. The most successful lines, Doppio Tondo, Leoni, 1910 and Twist, are reinterpreted in new, refined versions that skilfully combine seduction and elegance.

PARMIGIANI – The Bugatti Atalante fly-back Chronograph

Artistic excellence and technical performance - two defining concepts in the worlds of Bugatti and Parmigiani, brands which have been allied since 2001.


(Fort Lauderdale, FL -- March 18, 2008) Silversea Cruises, known for its exotic worldwide itineraries, luxurious all-suite accommodations, gracious service and sumptuous gourmet cuisine, has been named the Number-One overall luxury cruise line by high-net-worth consumers in the 2008 Luxury Brand Status Index (LBSI) survey, topping 19 other well-known cruise companies, including traditional, expedition and river cruise lines.

Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard to open BASELWORLD 2008, the Watch and Jewellery Show

The World Watch and Jewellery Show BASELWORLD will take place from April 3 – 10, 2008 in Basel. It will be opened by Swiss Economics Minister Doris Leuthard. For the 2,087 exhibiting companies and over 100,000 visitors from all over the world, BASELWORLD 2008 is the highlight of the watch and jewellery calendar.

Harry Winston Timepiece Wins Prix de la Montre Compliquée at the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie

Harry Winston received the Prix de la Montre Compliquée (prize for complicated or technical watch) for the Tourbillon Glissiére at the Grand Prix d'Horlogerie in Geneva, Switzerland on November 15.

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