Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard to open BASELWORLD 2008, the Watch and Jewellery Show


BASELWORLD, the world’s largest and most important trade Show for the watch and jewellery industry, opens its doors on Thursday, April 3, 2008 in Basel. With a surface area of 160,000 m2, BASEL­WORLD 2008 is Switzerland’s biggest trade Show. BASELWORLD confirms its position each year by showcasing major innovations and trends.

The opening ceremony will be conducted by Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard, Guy Morin (President of the Government of the Canton of Basel City), Jacques J. Duchêne (President of the Exhibitors’ Committee) and René Kamm (CEO of MCH Swiss Exhibition Ltd.).

2,087 watch and jewellery exhibitors from 45 countries will unveil their latest designs and collections at BASELWORLD, placing an emphasis on the highest standards of presentation. Many of these exhibitors choose to show their products exclusively at BASELWORLD. Over 100,000 buyers and over 2,500 media representatives from 100 countries are expected to attend the trade Show.

The significant economic importance of BASELWORLD
The presence of Economics Minister Doris Leuthard underlines the great importance of the World Watch and Jewellery Show to the Swiss watch industry (Switzerland’s third-largest commercial sector), whose export volume rose to CHF 16 billion in 2007. The Swiss exhibitors attending BASELWORLD account for over 90% of this export volume. This means BASELWORD 2008 will again provide a unique high point for the Swiss watch trade and associated supply industry.

Immensely important to the regional economy too
In addition to its 100,000 visitors, 30,000 people will staff the stands at BASELWORLD. A further 30,000 will be involved in setting up and dismantling the show. BASELWORLD is therefore of tremendous importance to the local and regional economy. According to a study conducted by BAK Basel Economics in 2006, activities of the exhibitors and visitors at BASELWORLD generate a turnover of CHF 1.2 billion a year for Switzerland. Swiss trade and commerce (such as the hotel industry, catering trade, events and construction firms and the travel and logistics industries) therefore benefit from the World Watch and Jewellery Show to an extraordinary extent – year after year.


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