World premiere at 2007 Millionaire Fair: the world’s first solar powered speedboat


Czeers was founded by members of the Delft’s Technical University Solarboat-team, which comfortably won the 2006 Nuon Frisian Solar Challenge. That wining boat was the basis for the prototype which will be exhibited in the Amsterdam RAI between the 6th and 10th of December 2007. Dutch celebrity Beau van Erven Dorens and former astronaut Wubbo Ockels have found each other on their respective sustainability quests and will jointly present the boat. Mr. Ockels is both a shareholder and a major advisor to Czeers Solarboats. The spectacular and ‘spacy’ launch will take place Thursday the 6th of December at 9.45 PM at stand 135 in the Randstadhal.

The innovative, solar-powered vessel, manages speeds of up to 30 knots (roughly 55 km/h). These speeds can be realized because of the uniquely shaped hull and the use of the latest technologies. The boat is covered with 14m2 of solar panels and an 80 kWelectro motor. The Mk I seats 3 people in the cockpit and has a large sun deck. The hull, its interior and the propellor are made out of carbon fibre. For the control of the boat, both a lcd-touchscreen and a tailor-made steering wheel are used. Furthermore, the boat doesn’t cause any environmental damage and doesn’t use any oil or other fuels. Its user is therefore not confronted with fuel costs and at the same time the Mk I doesn’t produce exhaust fumes or engine noise. The Czeers Mk I is a 100% Dutch product.

Of the prototype which will be on disclosed during the 2007 Millionaire Fair Amsterdam a production version will be made. Price details are available at the stand. Czeers is aiming at both the international and domestic market and expects to sell between 4 and 8 boats per year.

The development of the Czeers Mk I has been made possible by the Province of Friesland, Senternovem, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Rabobank.


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