Domů Tagy Jewelry

Téma: jewelry


Chronomat 01 by Breitling, the quintessential mechanical chronograph, now appears in new jewelry versions featuring an original gemsetting style accentuating its unique design. Spotlight on performance...

A vocation for excellence

Know-how, effervescent imagination, perfectionism: the Piaget art of jewellery-making is pervaded by the same spirit of tradition tinged with a bold sense of freedom that pervades its watchmaking talent, thus ensuring constant renewal.

A corner of paradise

Luxurious and playful. Crystalline and festive. Shimmering and fragrant… The jewellery and watches from the Limelight Paradise collection compose a fascinating ode to the magic of dreams and exotic surroundings.


The new Parentesi Cocktail collection features an abundance of creations, whose modern, striking design plays on certain stylistic traits typical of Bulgari. Large, coloured gems are combined with the Parentesi sign, which reappears here as the principal decorative element characterising the entire line of jewels.


Azature, born and raised in Hollywood, California by a long line of jewelers, is thrilled to announce his debut collection. Utilizing an exciting, new chemically-formulated metal, platinum sterling, Azature’s line consists of ten rings, four bangles and three necklaces, handcrafted with this exclusive, revolutionary hybrid of precious metals. The pieces—for both men and women-- are finished with black diamonds, enamel, blackened platinum, and an array of precious stones.


Margaret Rowe Vintage Couture Jewelry has launched in Los Angeles and online at The one-of-a-kind necklaces are seen on Heidi Klum, Mariah Carey and in National Jeweler and WWD.

Piaget sends hearts all over the world for Valentine’s Day

With each new Valentine’s Day, Piaget creates new and original jewellery on the theme of love. Genuine works of art for personal wear. With this pendant, bracelet and secret watch, the designers of the Geneva-based House have once again placed the heart centre stage.

Launch of Idalia to Combine Luxuries of Boutique Jewelry Experience With Convenience and Value...

NEW YORK, Dec 08, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- With the Privacy and Accessibility of an Internet Boutique, Idalia to offer First, Genuine Madison Avenue Experience Online

BASELWORLD 2009: Experience the latest trends at the world show

The watch and jewellery trends for 2009 are many and varied, in precisely the same way as BASELWORLD – the World Watch and Jewellery Show. From March 26 to April 2, these versatile new developments, creations and innovations can be experi-enced in six exhibition halls in Basel, over a total surface area of 160,000 m2. This rendezvous for the world's leading brands pro-mises to be the true highlight of the watch and jewellery industry in 2009 once again.

Taking a Shine To Jewelry

BALTIMORE -- Jewelry is probably the oldest art form. It's always been one of the most precious and most widely owned. So where's all the respect it deserves? These days, it has become the Rodney Dangerfield of the art world.

Cortina Watch Jewellery Time 2008

Singapore, 24 July 2008. Come 30 October, Cortina Watch will once again roll out the red carpet at Paragon with the return of its biennial, award-winning luxury showcase – Jewellery Time.

Rare Works by the Greatest Designers of Jewelry and Luxury Goods united in Artistic...

CLEVELAND (April 2, 2008) —The artistry and master techniques of the most prominent designers of jewelry and luxury goods at the end of the Gilded Age - and the rivalry between them - is explored in Artistic Luxury: Fabergé, Tiffany, Lalique, an exhibition of sumptuous objects from The Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) and rare loans from public and private collections worldwide.

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