Domů Tagy Bang

Téma: Bang

New Audi A8 with the second generation Bang & Olufsen Advanced Sound System.

Together, Audi and Bang & Olufsen present the new generation of the highly acclaimed Advanced Sound System which was first launched in the model year 2005 of the Audi A8. In the new Audi A8, the Bang & Olufsen Advanced Sound System surpasses previous achievements with superior sound performance, more power and a new design language to complement and enhance the exclusive interior of the car.

Bang & Olufsen launches 40-inch beauty with brains

Designed with the idea of adding life to your wallpaper, the new LED-based BeoVision 10 from Bang & Olufsen is a slim, fully integrated TV solution with a classic Bang & Olufsen identity developed specifically for wall placement. The elegant appearance mingles extremely well with the paintings and interior decoration of any home.

A versatile and elegant phone for modern living

An individualised two-line handset for the household, BeoCom 5 supports IP telephony and includes a cordless speaker phone, built-in phonebook and full-graphic display.

Heavenly sound under open sky

Combining the perfect listening experience with the perfect driving experience has always been the goal of the collaboration between Audi and Bang & Olufsen. This time the two partners have come up with another custom made sound system which completes the unsurpassed interior of the sporty open-top car. Experience the Bang & Olufsen Sound System designed especially for the Audi R8 Spyder.

BeoTime – makes waking up a dream!

Bang & Olufsen introduces an unusual and elegant alarm clock and sleep timer with system integration possibilities; as pleasing to the eye and hand as it is easy to use. It is the physical manifestation of a simple message uniting beauty, utility and humanisation in a surprisingly discreet form.

BeoVision 4 with revolutionary plasma technology

The BeoVision 4 home cinema concept from Bang & Olufsen provides sharp details and rich, life-like colours on a full High Definition plasma screen featuring the groundbreaking Automatic Colour Management technology.

Bang & Olufsen launches golden colour

Bang & Olufsen introduces golden coloured products as the perfect complement for even the most luxurious surroundings and interior designs.

One Million $ Black Caviar Bang

Hublot presents the quintessence of “invisible visibility” in a uniform range of black tones! The watchmaking brand and the setting workshop Bunter SA have together developed a World Premiere with a completely invisible setting, using only black diamonds.

Bang & Olufsen launches BeoSound 5

Introducing BeoSound 5, the latest innovation from Bang & Olufsen and an icon in the making, offering high-quality digital music experiences in the home.

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