“Pure attraction”: Peter Lindbergh stages Julia Stegner and the new E-Class Coup


International star photographer Peter Lindbergh has created an impressive work of art that perfectly expresses the attraction of beauty and elegance and thus the connection between fashion and Mercedes-Benz design. The leading role in the key visual is played by the international Mercedes-Benz fashion brand-ambassador Julia Stegner and the new E-Class Coup. They are both surrounded by five additional women who are fascinated by the design of the new E-Class Coup. Julia Stegner and the other protagonists are wearing exclusive evening dresses by Escada. The key visual also serves as an entry to an interactive webspecial on the E-Class Coup.

“Elegance and style that is the connection between Mercedes-Benz design and top-class fashion design.  Since sporty Coups embody a particularly elegant and expressive design, in our key visual we have shot the new E-Class Coup together with top model Julia Stegner and additional protagonists”, says Anders Sundt Jensen, Vice President Brand Communications Mercedes-Benz Cars. “The key visual will be further used in a webspecial, which also focuses on the attractive design of the E-Class Coup, and is thus a component of our integrated marketing campaign.”

The Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coup, which will be launched on May 9, 2009, sets new standards in design and efficiency within its market segment. With signifycantly reduced fuel consumption and an athletic and powerful design, the Coup combines driving pleasure, comfort and emotionality. The key visual reflects the scenery of a classic fashion shooting, with Julia Stegner and the E-Class Coup cast in the limelight. They are admired by five women who have slipped into the roles of assistants on the set. “I drive a Mercedes myself, so it was a great experience for me to shoot this car with the models so that the whole thing took on a unique character, an emotional completeness full of attraction,” says star photographer Peter Lindbergh. Julia Stegner is also thrilled with the idea of integrating additional women into the shooting: “Beautiful women and a fascinating car staged like this, that is pure attraction”. As the international fashion brand-ambassador for Mercedes-Benz, the top model will also come to Berlin to attend the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2010, which will take place from July 1 to July 4, 2009 on Bebelplatz. “Attending Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin in January was a great experience, so I can hardly wait to come back this summer, says Julia Stegner.


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