Domů Tagy Open

Téma: open

Now Open: Four Seasons Hotel Hangzhou at West Lake, China

Grand Opening package invites guests to experience the imperial lifestyle at Jin Sha restaurant and the Spa with room credit.

Benetton: numerous new openings in the East

Luciano Benetton will inaugurate a series of new stores in Russia, Mongolia and Azerbaijan, a number of them in partnership with eminent architecture studios: a commercial grand tour that demonstrates the Benetton Group's drive to invest in the future, underpinning its development with optimism, and moving apace with this changing, growing world.

Fairmont Hotels & Resorts to Open Seven New Hotels in 2010

Toronto, January 12, 2010 - With a number of hotels in its development pipeline, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts remains committed to growing its extraordinary collection of luxury hotels. Throughout 2010, Fairmont will open seven distinctive new hotels in growing markets around the globe. While most are newly developed properties, Fairmont will also throw open the doors at two of the world’s most celebrated addresses: The Savoy in London and the Peace Hotel in Shanghai.

Palmera de Cabarete Resort & Spa to open Dominican Republic 2011 in

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.- Palmera de Cabarete Resort & Spa, opening in 2011 as the first luxury resort on Dominican Republic's north shore, has named KWE group, a Miami-based travel, hospitality and lifestyle marketing firm, to handle global marketing and sales. The $200 million, 138-suite resort is located on 19.5 beachfront acres on 1,000 feet of private shoreline, part of the largest expanse of uninterrupted beach in the Caribbean.


Always one step ahead of trendiness, Fawaz Gruosi now proposes the Instrumento Grande Open Date – originality on the wrist from an explorer of tomorrow’s moods and currents. A man’s watch with an open dial ? Normal – it has nothing to hide and everything to show.

New Porsche Museum to be opened on 31 January 2009

Stuttgart. In the new Porsche Museum the final preparations are made for the opening on Saturday 31 January 2009. At last, now that the scaffolding has been removed, it is possible to see to the full extent the bold architecture of the building at the head office premises of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG in Zuffenhausen: The 5,600 square metres of exhibition space are supported on just three so-called cores of reinforced concrete – hence just seeming to hover in space. Inside the building the majority of approximately 80 exhibits are already in place.

The Dubai Mall opens with largest number of retailers in the world’s largest-ever mall...

Dubai, UAE; November 3, 2008: The future of shopping and leisure is here. The Dubai Mall, opens today (November 4, 2008) at 2pm with close to 600 retailers opening their doors for business – marking the world’s largest-ever single-day mall opening in retail history.

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