Domů Tagy Limited

Téma: limited

Montblanc Presents the John Lennon Edition Writing Instrument

This year, Montblanc celebrates the 70th Anniversary of one of the most talented artists ever to write music history. With the launch of the John Lennon Edition Montblanc is ensuring that Lennon´s legend not only lives on in his verse, his music, and his artistic legacy, but in the beauty of a timeless writing instrument. In this masterpiece, Montblanc has captured Lennon´s incredible soul and philosophy.

PENTAX K-7 Limited Silver A silver-colored, limited-edition model of the high-performance digital SLR camera

HOYA CORPORATION PENTAX Imaging Systems Division is pleased to announce the launch of the PENTAX K-7 Limited Silver digital SLR camera. To be marketed in a limited quantity of 1,000 sets, this special-edition model comes with several features that distinguish it from the original black-colored PENTAX K-7 (launched in summer 2009), including a silver-colored body and a “golden section ratio” focusing screen.

OMEGA’s stunning union of ceramics and Liquidmetal® – A world premiere!

OMEGA has announced the launch of the Seamaster Planet Ocean Liquidmetal® Limited Edition, the world’s first watch to bond ceramics and Liquidmetal®.

BREITLING – Cosmonaute limited edition

1962. The space race was well under way. Already a supplier to civilian and military aviation, Breitling naturally took a keen interest in this new human adventure.

Calavera “where performance meets design“

Using 11 months of design and development, the Bavarian design house „Unique Sportcars“ has completed their first design concept: A Super Sports Car for the streets.

Gresso Lady Diamond. A Limited Edition of 8 Pieces.

Not just a collection, Lady Diamond is an ode to feminity, to elegance and to beauty. The peculiarity of the model is a magnificent case of brilliant red color.

Automatic Tourbillon in Titanium / Rose Gold – Limited Edition of 20 Pieces

Strength and finesse, robustness and frailty: The Tourbillon is the pinnacle of the art of watch making, to which Perrelet adds a limited and numbered edition of 20 timepieces.

Edo Competition presents the first Car of this Limited Series!

In cooperation with internationally acclaimed designer Christian Audigier, edo competition has pulled out all the stops to create the fastest Lamborghini ever made.

Patrimony Contemporaine Retrograde Day and Date Limited Edition – Collection Excellence Platine

Vacheron Constantin has brought a new look to the Patrimony Contemporaine Retrograde Day and Date by dressing it in the purest and rarest of metals - platinum – and limiting it to a series of only 100 pieces stamped Vacheron Constantin Collection Excellence Platine.

Caran d’Ache’s 1010 Limited Edition fountain pen is a tribute to the Swiss watchmaking...

Ten minutes past ten (10:10), the moment when the hands on a watch dial are perfectly balanced, is the inspiration behind the name.


Limited edition Flexjet 25 holiday jet cards come with unprecedented one-on-one access to the country’s top experts.

IWC Ingenieur for Zinedine Zidane

French football legend Zinedine Zidane is IWC’s new ambassador. The Schaffhausen-based Swiss luxury watch brand IWC unveiled its new Ingenieur Automatic Edition Zinedine Zidane in Paris recently.

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Dan Bilzerian: Kdo to je a žije si opravdu svůj DreamLife?

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