Domů Tagy Foster

Téma: Foster

New face of Stockholm revealed at Slussen Masterplan public exhibition

The new face of Stockholm at Slussen – a modern urban quarter at the heart of the archipelago – is poised to become one of city’s most dynamic civic destinations. The masterplan will provide new public spaces, an accessible quayside, pedestrian and cycle routes and prominent new buildings while transforming the existing infrastructure to minimise the threat of flooding and create a 21st century transport interchange.

Luxury sailing yacht designed by Foster + Partners launched

Foster + Partners has designed a new sailing yacht Panthalassa, which launches today at Perini Navi’s boatyard in Viareggio, Italy. Using natural materials to blend the interior spaces with the superstructure and skylights to introduce natural light below deck, the 56-metre-long vessel is conceived as a luxurious and flexible yacht for charter.

The Art of Architecture: Foster + Partners opens at the Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas

Continuing its investigation of contemporary architecture, the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas presents a retrospective of the work of Foster + Partners. Scheduled to coincide with the grand opening of the new, Foster-designed Winspear Opera House in the AT&T Center for Performing Arts, the exhibition explores Foster + Partners’ major architectural achievements over the past four decades.

Spaceport America Breaks Ground in New Mexico

UPHAM, NM – With New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, Spaceport America officials and supporters of commercial space development in attendance, the world's first purpose-built commercial spaceport broke ground today in southern New Mexico. Today's event delivered on the promise of an exciting new age for space exploration and development, as well as a bright future for the people of New Mexico and their children.

YachtPlus launches its first Foster + Partners designed super-yacht

The fractional ownership super-yacht company, YachtPlus, launches its first yacht – The Ocean Emerald – in La Spezia, Italy on April 25 in the presence of Norman Foster.

The UAE Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010 breaks ground

Foster + Partners’ design for the UAE pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo has broken ground. Drawing inspiration from the form of a sand dune, the pavilion is a reference to this symbolic feature of the desert landscape shared by each of the seven emirates.

Fascinace týdne: Miliardářů výrazně ubylo a nová výstavba v Paříži

Zatímco se svět pere se současnou situací a média informují o nočních můrách kapitalismu, počty světových miliardářů se podle časopisu Forbes výrazně snižují. Na druhou stranu svět se stále nezastavil, zeměkoule se otáčí a lidstvo nadále pokračuje ve své činnosti. Jednou z firem, která se nenechává ovlivnit negativními zprávami je Foster + Partners, kteří představili projekt nejvyšších budov západní Evropy.

Foster + Partners unveils first development to break ground in Morocco

Anfa Place – the first project designed by Foster + Partners to break ground in Morocco - is revealed today. A luxury mixed use development overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, the scheme extends the city to the coast by creating a thriving new waterfront community to the west of Casablanca.

Hearst Tower wins the 2008 International Highrise Award

Hearst Tower in New York was honoured with the prestigious International Highrise Award today at a ceremony attended by Norman Foster in the Frankfurt Paulskirche. The jury praised the project for defying the “traditional stacking or the repeated extension of the same floor plate”, citing Hearst Tower as a “prototype for future high-rise developments.”

YachtPlus announces a new programme for its first Foster-designed super-yacht

YachtPlus, one of the world’s most exclusive luxury fractional ownership companies, has announced a new programme for its first Foster-designed super-yacht, to be launched later this year.

Foster & Partners: Success at the AJ100 Awards

At last night’s 2008 AJ100 Awards dinner, Foster + Partners won three major practice awards and Norman Foster was honoured by his peers, who named him as their ‘most admired architect’.

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Jak poznat lež? 12 znaků, které pomůžou odhalit lháře

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Jiří Čapovec radí, jak na duševní zdraví a psychické problémy

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Dan Bilzerian: Kdo to je a žije si opravdu svůj DreamLife?

Dnešním tématem bude světoznámý playboy a multimilionář Dan Bilzerian. Že vám to jméno nic neříká a proč byste ho vůbec měli znát? Dan svým...