Domů Tagy Vacheron

Téma: vacheron

The “Métiers d’Art – La symbolique des laques” collection

No one at Vacheron Constantin can be unaware of what a passion for fine watchmaking involves. For without passion, there are no real expectations. And though yesterday’s cabinotiers have disappeared, their memory lingers on near the workbenches in the halls of the Manufacture, and today is reawakened by each watchmaker and craftsman, whose movements rekindle their spirit and perpetuate their knowledge.

Vacheron Constantin and Pisa Orologeria

Italy - Milan, October 21, 2009 - The Vacheron Constantin Dream Room was inaugurated today at the Pisa Orologeria fine watch boutique on Via Verri (at the corner of Via Montenapoleone 9) in Milan. The Dream Room is the exclusive showcase for the prestigious collections produced by the Geneva watchmaker that Pisa Orologeria has been presenting for decades to its customers who are true connoisseurs of Haute Horlogerie.

Vacheron Constantin once again wins the Watch of the Year Prize, this time for...

Geneva, Thursday October 29th 2009 – Just two years after being awarded the 2007 Watch of the Year Prize (for the Patrimony Contemporary Retrograde Date and Day model), Vacheron Constantin once again takes the top spot on the winner’s podium with the 2009 Watch of the Year Prize, this time for its ‘Historiques American 1921’ model.

KALLANIA best High Jewellery watch in Vogue Jewels Awards 2009

The prestigious Spanish orchestra conductor Inma Shara, international image of Vacheron Constantin, received proudly the Award.

Luxury watch brand IWC rated best by wealthy

New York--Ultra-high-net-worth consumers have rated IWC the "Best of the Best" among 33 luxury watch brands, according to the Luxury Institute's 2009 Luxury Brand Status Index (LBSI) survey, patek, philippe

Vacheron Constantin introduces the third and final set of the Metiers d’Art Les Masques...

Vacheron Constantin organised an exceptional evening event at the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York as part of the inauguration of “African and Oceanic Art from the Barbier-Mueller Museum, Geneva: a Legacy of Collecting”, an exhibition dedicated to the masterpieces from the Barbier-Mueller family collection and supported by Vacheron Constantin.

Pour les 10 ans d’Action Innocence, Vacheron Constantin crée une piece unique

To mark the tenth anniversary of Action Innocence, Vacheron Constantin has created a unique timepiece whose skeletonised, hand-decorated manual-winding movement, the flattest in the world, represents the very pinnacle of the decorative Métiers d’Art so precious to the Geneva-based manufacture.

SIHH 2009 – Vacheron Constantin And The Hallmark Of Geneva, A True Philosophy

Introduced in the 19th century by an industry long threatened with the scourge of counterfeiting, the Hallmark of Geneva is now regarded as a true horological philosophy and the symbol of horological perfection. Given legal status in 1886, the Hallmark of Geneva is probably one of the oldest professional hallmarks in any industry, recognised as a label of origin, but especially as a guarantee of superior quality. But while it is highly prized in the world of Haute Horlogerie, not just anyone who wants to can join the select circle of manufactories able to obtain it.

Vacheron Constantin’s Malte Tourbillon Regulator wins the “Best Tourbillon of the Year” award

Vacheron Constantin was delighted to receive the prestigious Best Tourbillon of the Year award for its Malte Tourbillon Regulator at the 2008 Premier Middle East Watches, Jewellery & Pens Awards held at the Ritz Carlton in Bahrain on 25 November.

Patrimony Contemporaine Retrograde Day and Date Limited Edition – Collection Excellence Platine

Vacheron Constantin has brought a new look to the Patrimony Contemporaine Retrograde Day and Date by dressing it in the purest and rarest of metals - platinum – and limiting it to a series of only 100 pieces stamped Vacheron Constantin Collection Excellence Platine.

Cortina Watch Jewellery Time 2008

Singapore, 24 July 2008. Come 30 October, Cortina Watch will once again roll out the red carpet at Paragon with the return of its biennial, award-winning luxury showcase – Jewellery Time.

Vacheron Constantin opens a second exclusive boutique in Hong Kong


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