Domů Tagy S

Téma: S

Maserati GranTurismo S Automatic unveiled at the Geneva Auto Show

Together with the new Quattroporte Sport GT S making its European première, this is Maserati's second new model of the year marking the 70th anniversary of its first Indianapolis 500 win.

Exclusive top-of-the-line AMG S-Class models now boast even greater appeal

Affalterbach – The Mercedes-Benz S 63 AMG and S 65 AMG, the powerful top-of-the-line S-Class models, are now even more appealing: thanks to a series of subtle yet extremely effective fine-tuning measures, the two performance saloons are even more striking and priceless than ever before. The updated technology is aimed at ensuring a more dynamic driving experience as well as optimum active and passive safety.

CIRRUS AIRCRAFT announces new aircraft model lineup for 2009

Today Cirrus Aircraft announced comprehensive new features, upgrades, and option packages to its best-selling SR20, SR22, and TURBO model aircraft lineup for 2009. New aircraft features include the introduction of “Known Ice Protection” on SR22 and TURBO models; well-equipped “S”, “GS”, and “GTS” packaged options available on all models; an all-new ‘X-Edition’ premium interior and exterior upgrade package, new paint schemes across the model line and more.


When it was introduced last year, the XF was recognised as a dramatic expression of a bold new Jaguar design language. It also soon became apparent that here was a car where the driving experience exceeded the expectations created by the striking appearance. Now, the new XF Diesel S takes this driving experience to new levels, shifting the balance even further towards dynamic performance while still retaining the XF’s core values as a refined and luxurious sports saloon.

2009 Maserati GranTurismo S MC Sport Line

The MC Sport Line customization program focuses on the racing vocation of the Maserati, fresh from its latest international triumph in the FIA GT championship with the duo Bertolini-Bartels in the land of Juan Manuel Fangio.

2009 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Roadster 722 S

The new Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Roadster 722 S opens up astonishing dimensions when it comes to open-top driving. Delivering 478 kW/650 hp, acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.7 seconds and a maximum speed of 335 km/h, this two-seater cabriolet surpasses the existing benchmark among open-top super sports cars the SLR McLaren Roadster.

Even racier – even better: CARLSSON CK63 S (Basis C 63 AMG)

Merzig, Germany – With the C-Class top-of-the line model C 63 AMG, Mercedes-Benz has given an impressive statement in the medium class. Where else can you get an enormous larger than 6 litre V8 engine in a relatively small car? But as the power output is comparably low, the high-tech manufacturer Carlsson activates the hidden potential.

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