Domů Tagy Mobile

Téma: mobile

Nokia N8. Connect. Create. Entertain.

The Nokia N8, Nokia's latest smartphone, intuitively connects to the people, places and services that matter most. With the Nokia N8, people can create compelling content, connect to their favorite social networks and enjoy on-demand Web TV programs and Ovi Store apps. Available in select markets during the third quarter of 2010, the estimated retail price of the Nokia N8 is EUR 370, before applicable taxes or subsidies.

TAG Heuer MERIDIIST Automobili Lamborghini New Luxury Mobile Phone

PARIS, November 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Inspired by the mythic Lamborghini Murcielago, TAG Heuer, the world leader in luxury sports watches and chronographs has teamed up with the famous Italian super sports car manufacturer to create the limited-edition MERIDIIST Automobili Lamborghini phone (


Vancouver, Canada – October 19th, 2009: Mobiado pays homage to NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft with its newest addition to its Grand Line; the Grand 350 Pioneer. The Grand 350 Pioneer is the first phone to utilize the compelling beauty of meteorite. The result is a combination of sophisticated form and beauty with state of the art mobile functionality. Discover Mobility.

Live life without boundaries with the Sony Ericsson XPERIA™ X2

Live life in the fast lane with the XPERIA™ X2 from Sony Ericsson. Designed for those who always need to be connected, whether it’s for business or personal life, the XPERIA™ X2 blurs the boundary between work and play.

Launch of exclusive GoldVish revolution cell phone at Baselworld 2009 successful

After successful launches worldwide, GoldVish is now to reveal their latest piece of outstanding art among the cell phones: the GoldVish Revolution. As from March 26th till April 2nd, GoldVish showcases its exclusive cell phone collection and their latest masterpiece ‘Revolution’ at BASELWORLD 2009.

New HTC Touch Diamond2TM and HTC TPro2TM Signal a New Wave in Communication

BARCELONA — Feb 16, 2009 — HTC Corporation, a global designer of mobile phones, today unveiled two new flagship devices, the HTC Touch Diamond2 and HTC Touch Pro2. Integrating innovative simplicity with unique style and an intuitive interface, the devices balance function, form and cutting-edge technology to personalize the communication and mobile Internet experience.

Nokia 8800 Gold Arte reflects classic elegance

Espoo - Nokia today introduced the Nokia 8800 Gold Arte, the latest addition to the Nokia 8800 Arte range. Featuring stainless steel parts with 18 carat gold plating and premium quality leather, the Nokia 8800 Gold Arte has a classic, elegant and luxurious finish.

Motorola Heralds The Return of Artistry™ and Unveils Timeless, Classically Designed Device

SCHAUMBURG, Ill. – Oct. 21, 2008 – Inspired by luxury watches and handcrafted design, Motorola (NYSE: MOT) introduces AURA™, a unique handset that breaks convention and re-establishes artistry in the design and manufacturing of mobile devices. Fine craftsmanship and the industry’s first circular display help AURA deliver a sensory experience that is second to none for those with refined tastes.

Introducing the second Prada phone by LG – another quantum leap in mobile phone...

Seoul, Korea- October 13, 2008 - LG Electronics (LG), a worldwide technology and design leader in mobile communications, and PRADA Group (Prada) today announced that the partnership that created the PRADA Phone by LG will release its second handset before the end of the year.


The all-in-one maxi-phone fully loaded with top-of-the line multimedia enhanced smartphone features.

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Dan Bilzerian: Kdo to je a žije si opravdu svůj DreamLife?

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