Domů Tagy Foster + Partners

Téma: Foster + Partners

The world’s largest building – the new Terminal at Beijing Airport – opens

Designed and completed in only four years, Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport has opened.

Designs revealed for a new resort in Mauritius

Foster + Partners reveals designs for a new style of luxury resort living in Mauritius, against the backdrop of the mythical Le Morne Brabant mountain.

Foster + Partners creates the world’s largest inhabited building

One of the world’s most ambitious building projects, Crystal Island has been granted preliminary planning permission in Moscow. Enclosed within a vast mega structure covering a total floor area of 2.5million square metres – the project’s scale is unprecedented. At 450m the scheme in one of the tallest structures on the planet, creating a spectacular new emblem on the Moscow skyline. Conceived as a self-contained city within a city, it contains a rich mix of buildings including museums, theatres and cinemas, to ensure that it is a major new destination for the whole of Moscow.

Carbon neutral design unveiled for resort on the Black Sea coast

Foster + Partners has launched a masterplan for a carbon-neutral resort on the Black Sea coast in its first project in Bulgaria. A series of car free hill towns in an unspoilt setting of oak forests, meadows and river gorges, the development will create a year-round community for up to 15,400 residents. The residential clusters are tightly packed and integrated into the contours of the landscape, preserving the majority of the site as virgin terrain. Anchored by a 220-berth marina and with a lakeside spa, activity centre, sports park, restaurants and shops, Black Sea Gardens will become a key leisure destination.

Masterplan for new Omani city, west of Muscat revealed

Foster + Partners has revealed plans for a new, compact city for an estimated 200,000 residents that draws on traditional Omani architecture while offering a sustainable and contemporary lifestyle with the optimum urban density. Located on a coastal stretch to the West of Muscat, the scheme will celebrate this dramatic waterside setting, bringing development and job opportunities to the region. The new city will be called Al Madina Al Zarqa, which means ‘Blue City’.

The United Arab Emirates Pavilion at Shanghai’s Expo 2010 is revealed

Foster + Partners has designed the concept for the United Arab Emirates Pavilion at Shanghai’s Expo 2010. Devised to relate to the theme 'Better Cities, Better Lives', the pavilion is inspired by the principles of traditional Arab city planning.

Designs unveiled for a new mixed use development in Astana

Aldar Property launches its latest major mixed use development - Abu Dhabi Plaza, Astana - designed by Foster + Partners. Unveiled at a ceremony attended by The President of Kazakhstan, Mr Nursultan Nazarbayev and the Chairman of Aldar Properties, Ahmed Al Sayegh, the scheme is inspired by its sister project in Abu Dhabi - the Central Market Redevelopment.

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Víte, jak daleko sedět od televize? Pár doporučení pro ochranu vašeho zraku.

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Dan Bilzerian: Kdo to je a žije si opravdu svůj DreamLife?

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