Domů Tagy BOAT

Téma: BOAT

New Inclusive Taj Mahal Package Added to Crystal’s March Cruise from Mumbai to Cape...

For only $599 per person, Crystal cruise guests can add a fully escorted three-night, pre-cruise land package to the Taj Mahal prior to the line’s March 29 “Safaris and Seashells” voyage from Mumbai to Cape Town. Valued at more than $4,000 per person, the program includes Oberoi Hotel accommodations in New Delhi and the Oberoi Amarvilas Hotel in Agra, spectacular sunrise and sunset visits to the Taj Mahal, meals, transfers, transportation between Delhi, Agra and Mumbai, and a panoramic tour of Mumbai. The optional value-added Taj Mahal pre-cruise tour augments Crystal’s 19-day World Cruise segment that begins in Mumbai and visits Marmagoa, India; Republic of Maldives; Mauritius; Reunion; Durban, South Africa and two nights in Cape Town.

Wallyship: the new displacement motor yachts by Wally

Wally introduces Wallyship, the new line of yachts reflecting the current trend of the market to privilege the displacement power boats.

Ultimate on land and sea unite at London Boat Show

Sportscar maker, Caterham Cars, and luxury super yacht builder, Sunseeker International, have formed a unique alliance to create the ultimate expression of the millionaire lifestyle.


Riva celebrates the beginning of the new nautical year 2009/10 presenting to the market its newborn: the 86’ Domino.

Dreams come true – with the Sport 28

The new Sport 28 is an all-round motorboat for the whole family. Visual clean lines dominate the attractive design concept with many new features and present itself first and foremost. A room and space feeling which is normally only found with larger boats!

2010 Lancia Powerboat

Like a car, a boat distinguishes its owner. Lancia shares common values with performance boating, typified by the pleasure derived from a unique form of travel.

CRN at Cannes and Monaco Boat Show and the Launch of CRN 124 “Clarena...

The new nautical year is coming as the International Boat Show of Cannes and Monaco and the launch of megayacht CRN 124 "Clarena II" 72 mt. Cannes Boat Show (9 - 14 September) > we will exibit Navetta 43 "Rubeccan", 43 meter. Monaco Boat Show (23 - 26 September) > we will present the mega yacht CRN 126 "Blue Eyes", 60 meter.

MetroShip reinvents the Houseboat

Atlanta, GA (06-18-09) – A new contemporary luxury houseboat, MetroShip, launches to the public, re-inventing the houseboat with modern New York City loft style interior and modern exterior that’s never been seen before in the boating industry.

Riviera have announced their latest model, the 5000 Sport Yacht, which will be equipped...

Australia's largest luxury boat builder, Riviera, will unveil its latest step in the technology revolution with the launch its new 5000 Sport Yacht at the Sydney International Boat Show at the beginning of August.

New Marten 49 Debuts at Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show

The internationally acclaimed Marten 49 will make its Queensland debut at the 2009 Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show to be held on the Gold Coast from May 21st - 24th.

Island of bahrain’s first international boat show to open tomorrow (21st April)

Kingdom of Bahrain, 20th April 2009: The first ever boat show in the Kingdom of Bahrain will open tomorrow, Tuesday 21st April and will run to Saturday 25th April. The Bahrain Boat Show International (BBSI) will be held at the Amwaj Islands Marina. Bahrain’s event follows other successful shows in Kuwait and Abu Dhabi, and is brought to the island by Knotika Boat Shows – a division of Knotika Holding, which supports the biggest boat show network in the Middle East. The event is open from 4pm to 10pm daily and costs BD3 per person per day.

Epic Wakeboats Introduces The World’s First Electric Hybrid Sport Boat

San Diego, Calif. – Epic Wakeboats, manufacturer of "The World’s First Wakeboat," announced today the release of "The World’s First Electric Hybrid Sport Boat," the Epic 23E. With its pioneering electric hybrid drive system, the Epic 23E uses half the fuel of its combustion-powered equivalent, making this Luxury Sport Boat more environmentally friendly and economical than any other on the water.


FERRETTI YACHTS, one of the "Made in Italy" icons worldwide, presents in world preview at the 48th Genoa International Boat Show the new Ferretti 470, model conceived to complete the new entry range of the shipyard.

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