Designer plunge into pool table revolution


But for Craig Nottage, what started out as a final year assignment for his industrial design course at UniSA has turned into a thriving business.

He says the idea came to him after research revealed a lack of anything out of the ordinary in the pool table market.

“Billiard tables have been made with basically the same materials and technology for hundreds of years,” Mr Nottage says.

“I’ve brought all aspects of the design into the current age of materials and technology.”

Mr Nottage’s unique design is based on a special “Vitrik” transparent film he developed. The film covers strengthened glass and mimics the performance of traditional cloth-covered tables.

Since creating the table in 2003 he has developed his concept to be market ready and created a company, Nottage Design, while participating in the South Australian Young Entrepreneur Scheme.

The scheme provides people aged between 18 and 35 with the skills and confidence they need to develop and implement their business ideas.


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