RAYMOND WEIL: Nabucco Inverso

Once again this year, the unmissable appointment beckons and the RAYMOND WEIL Brand begins the fourth act by presenting the latest creation of its nabucco collection, the nabucco Inverso. Renowned for its sleek, powerful and elegant design, the nabucco Inverso has become more classical. With its twelve in Roman numerals and yellow hands that illuminate the dial, the nabucco has reinvented itself.

Freelancer, the style of independence

The freelancer, a successful collection of the RAYMOND WEIL independent family’s Swiss Brand, is so much more than a watch. This timepiece gives a nod to those independent professionals wishing to remain masters of their destiny. This subtly elegant collection asserts its urbane personality and strength of character again this year.

Maestro Moon Phase

Just as the Moon makes one revolution around the Earth in 28 days, so the new maestro Moon Phase will evolve around your wrist during the 365 days of the year. A member of the maestro collection created in 2010, this new RAYMOND WEIL model is the Brand’s first moon phase complication with a mechanical movement.

Raymond Weil: Parsifal launch

20 years after its creation, Parsifal hits headlines at RAYMOND WEIL with a revised of the new 2010 collection. Without relinquishing the elements of its now legendary absolute elegance, this fifth generation collection displays resolute contemporary lines, while still remaining true to the original design that made it a success. As the emblematic flagship of the RAYMOND WEIL brand, Parsifal demonstrates, once again its innate capacity to evolve at the heart of the trends, gracefully harmonizing the desires of its era.

Raymond Weil: FREELANCER Autumn Time

Winter 2010-2011 is set to be a season of pure glamour thanks to a new prestigious creation from RAYMOND WEIL, the Freelancer Autumn Time. The precision of the mechanical movement is cloaked in ultra-chic femininity, with subtle and warm nuances. A contrast between pure stringency and sophisticated charm, absolutely in tune with the times.

A RAYMOND WEIL Limited Edition to support the Union for International Cancer Control’s fight

Side by side, the Union for International Cancer Control – UICC - and the Swiss watchmaker RAYMOND WEIL, will join forces to eliminate cancer as a life threatening disease for future generations.

Freelancer Date Chronograph

Contemporary colours, pure design, sober outlines… the first date chronograph from the mechanical freelancer collection by the Geneva watchmaker RAYMOND WEIL is full of character and urban personality: an audacious blend of technique and modernity.

Nabucco titanium blending high technology with Swiss mechanical precision

RAYMOND WEIL's latest nabucco model, forged throughout in steel and titanium, catches the eye with its futuristic style and geometry. This ultra-light date chronograph, water-proof to a depth of 660 feet, is perfectly resistant in all circumstances.

Shine: All the Elegance of the Women of Today

Female elegance personified! The shine collection has swiftly established itself as a RAYMOND WEIL icon. Now the independent Geneva watchmaker is delighted to unveil a new design, full of character and decidedly contemporary charm: shine jeans.

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