Domů Tagy Award

Téma: award

The Mercedes-Benz CLS is voted the best luxury class car

More than a quarter of a million readers and a top-class jury comprising 40 automotive experts and prominent figures have voted the new Mercedes-Benz CLS the best new product in the executive and luxury class segment. As a result, "Bild am Sonntag", "Auto Bild" and 26 associated European publications have awarded the new four-door coupé model the "Golden Steering Wheel" – one of the most important automotive awards in Europe. This coveted award was officially presented to Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of Daimler AG and CEO of Mercedes-Benz Cars, in Berlin yesterday evening.


AYANA Resort and Spa Bali is honored to announce that it has been awarded Asia’s Leading Luxury Resort in the World Travel Awards 2009, during a Gala Ceremony at London’s Grosvenor House.

One-77 Bestowed with Prestigious Design Award

Gaydon, 11 January 2009: Aston Martin’s definitive sports car, the One-77 has been bestowed with a coveted 2009 GOOD DESIGN TM award by The Chicago Athenauem: Museum of Architecture and Design in North America.

Vacheron Constantin once again wins the Watch of the Year Prize, this time for...

Geneva, Thursday October 29th 2009 – Just two years after being awarded the 2007 Watch of the Year Prize (for the Patrimony Contemporary Retrograde Date and Day model), Vacheron Constantin once again takes the top spot on the winner’s podium with the 2009 Watch of the Year Prize, this time for its ‘Historiques American 1921’ model.

Porsche wins “Best New Engine 2009 Award”

Stuttgart. Once again Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, has been successful in the International Engine of the Year Awards. With its 3.8-litre power unit from the 911 Carrera S models, the sports car manufacturer has underpinned its position in a field of high performance competitors, receiving the coveted “Best New Engine 2009 Award”.

Nam Hai Resort Wins Best Destination Spa Award - “The Nam Hai” seaside resort in the central province of Quang Nam has won a gold award at the annual Asia Spa & Wellness Festival, the region’s premier exhibition for the spa and wellness industry.

Overall Product Of The Year Award For MBL 101 – X-treme Speaker

We are pleased to announce that the 101 X-treme has been awarded the overall product of the year by "TAS".

Rosewood Hotels & Resorts Honored With Ten Hospitality Awards

DALLAS - The annual ForbesTraveler 400 list which ranks the best luxury hotels and resorts in the world has just named San Ysidro Ranch, A Rosewood Resort in Montecito, California, as "America's Best Hotel." Visionary hotel owner Ty Warner purchased San Ysidro Ranch in 2000, who subsequently invested $150 million in an ambitious three year restoration to perfect an already outstanding property.

SAMSUNG’S Latest Award-Winning Blu-ray Players Open Up A New Multimedia Experience Portal

BD-P4600 Delivers HD Entertainment for the Whole Family in Contemporary Style; BD-P3600 Satisfies Home Theater Enthusiasts with Superior Sights and Sounds

Watch of the Year 2008

Under the auspices of the magazine Montres Passion, the jury has selected the “Altiplano, eccentric small seconds” by Piaget as the Watch of the Year, thanks to its “perfect design, elegance and pure lines, finesse and excellent extra-thin movement”.

Hearst Tower wins the 2008 International Highrise Award

Hearst Tower in New York was honoured with the prestigious International Highrise Award today at a ceremony attended by Norman Foster in the Frankfurt Paulskirche. The jury praised the project for defying the “traditional stacking or the repeated extension of the same floor plate”, citing Hearst Tower as a “prototype for future high-rise developments.”

Vacheron Constantin’s Malte Tourbillon Regulator wins the “Best Tourbillon of the Year” award

Vacheron Constantin was delighted to receive the prestigious Best Tourbillon of the Year award for its Malte Tourbillon Regulator at the 2008 Premier Middle East Watches, Jewellery & Pens Awards held at the Ritz Carlton in Bahrain on 25 November.

Foster & Partners: Success at the AJ100 Awards

At last night’s 2008 AJ100 Awards dinner, Foster + Partners won three major practice awards and Norman Foster was honoured by his peers, who named him as their ‘most admired architect’.

Prestigious award for CEO of Aston Martin

Aston Martin's Chief Executive, Dr Ulrich Bez, has been named as the German national responsible for making the most positive contribution to Anglo-German dialogue in 2007. Dr Bez received the honour at the German-British Forum's Annual Awards ceremony in London on 11 October.

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